What If...
Whatever You Do, Do It in Love for the Glory of God!
April 1, 2013
Have you ever wondered why the world is the way it is
today? Where did we go wrong? Why do we remember the strangest things from our
childhoods that are so vivid to us long into our adult years? Why are we still
hurt from things that happened so many years ago? I could go on and on, but
then it came to me… it is because things could have been handled differently.
With the passing of Easter, I watched many TV shows about
Jesus’ crucifixion. I observed so many things would have happened differently,
if the people that were in power would have handled things differently. I know
that all things had to come to pass for Jesus to save our souls, but what if
things happened differently…
What if…Pontus Pilot chose to take charge &
heed the warnings from his wife’s dream and had chosen to give Jesus mercy and
listen to what he had to say instead of letting corrupt people make the
decision for him?
What if the Roman soldiers and the Pharisees
took the time to give Jesus a fair trial and had a change of heart?
What if hardened hearts and stinkin’
thinkin’ were condemned to the cross
instead of Jesus?
What if Love, Compassion and Forgiveness were
worn like medals?
What if God was always 1st Place in
our hearts and minds?
What if the Bible was the basis of our
Government, work force, Medical field, and family?
What if schools taught solely from the Bible and
prayed for God’s wisdom and guidance?
What if road rage was solved by learning that
Love is patient, Love is kind?
What if murders never happened because we would
simply learn to respect and Love one another?
What if debts were erased and people paid with
cash instead of credit because we owe no man nothing but Love?
What if hurting people choose to be set free
from bondage and learn to Love the person that hurt them and show them
Forgiveness? What if we taught them to Love the person, but not what they do?
What if that mercy that was bestowed upon them, changed their life forever?
What if Addictions never happened because we
learned not to be tempted by evil things?
What if there were no more sicknesses or
diseases simply by putting faith in God and knowing Jesus died on the cross for
our transgressions and by His stripes YOU ARE HEALED!
What if we simply give it ALL to GOD knowing His
ways are not our ways…He came to give us purpose, a destiny and to prosper us
and give us life.
What if we buried Unforgiveness in caskets instead
of people we love...for Christian’s to be absent from the body is to be present
with the Lord.
What if Hell was emptied in an instant because Satan
chose to bow down before God and Love and Serve others?
What if Eve was never tempted in the Garden of
Eden, because God’s Word is the FINAL WORD?
What if we became the change we wanted to see in
What if the color of one’s skin or the nationality
of a person had nothing to do with anything because God is no respecter of
What if the Spiritual Gifts that God gives us
became our jobs.
What if getting back to the Basics of Listening
to God’s Voice, Reading His Word, and Living what He said to do, became the
change you wanted to see?
What if sin was non-existent because we Love God
more than ourselves?
What if we stop following people and their
actions and Follow God and His Actions?
By: Tammy Huffstutler
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